Maisie Cousins Instagram Photographer

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Maisie Cousins started her photography on social media. She uses Instagram and Tumblr as a platform for her work. I am not sure when she uses a camera and when it was simply her phone. But the results are great either way. She is now involved in fashion photography.

At first glance her work looks a little gross. But at closer inspection there is beauty and composition. She is essentially making social media photography more creative. She is also making you question what you are seeing. 

Her creative process is pretty simple. She is sensory and visual in her pleasures. Food plays a big part in her work which everyone can relate you. It's hard not to feel aroused by a shiny cherry. This image in particular must have a hidden meaning if you are willing to look for it. 

Image result for maisie cousins

What drew me to Maisie is the colour palette and aesthetic. It's playful and makes me feel a little jolt of happiness.  She plays with your senses. What am I actually looking at?

Maisie Cousins - what girls are made of

Sex plays a big part in her work. Just the hint of activity. The implication is enough. Pretty risky for a social media platform who is famous for deleting images that are art but imply too much of that taboo subject.

She likes to digust herself and plays with that in her work. She also wants you to want to touch the oily surface and squish the objects between your fingers. In that making it kind of sensual.

Maisie holds a kind of power over her viewer, she plays around with voyeurism and the desires of the mind. Kind of like a pretty flower whose colours draw you closer and then you are stung with something different up close.

imaginary party invite

One pleasing discovery was that she worked on a book of collages back in 2015. She uses images of herself amongst various scenes. Which has really inspired me in my own collage and photography. Using yourself such a way is making it more your own. I would guess she photographs some of the stuff to use in her collages. I think most of them are analogue collage which means she physically cut out the pieces to put into place. I love some digital collage but the art of sourcing images to collage is so much more satisfying. 

I really like her work. The play on senses really speaks to me. I also love the colours and textures. I like how she started out on a basic platform and gained her style and following through that. I like how she closes in on her subjects and obscures what you think is going on. I would definitely try the colour play in these photos. And her collage work has opened up a whole new area of thought for me.



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